MIke Iedema by MIke Iedema

Back in February, Google announced that an update would be made to its search engine to reflect the greater use of mobile devices. The update went live in April 2015, and since it’s announcement, it has caused some concern in the SEO community. It has been given the dramatic name of “Mobilegeddon” by some SEO gurus.

The rapid rise of smartphones and tablets means it shouldn't come as a surprise that Google is looking to improve its search engine for mobile users. Studies indicate that between 60% & 80% of searches on the Internet are now made on mobile devices. If you own or manage a website you may be receiving more traffic than you expect from mobile searches.

Updates to Google's search engine algorithm are often the cause of panic for website owners. There's a fear that the investment in time and money to get a site ranked may be wiped out overnight if the rules are changed. In reality there are changes taking place to Google every day, and you have little to worry about if you keep your SEO knowledge up-to-date.

Google stated that the “Mobbilegeddon” update was larger than Panda and Penguin, and it's something you have to understand if you have a business with an online presence. The following points will arm you with the knowledge you need.

1) Why did Google make the “Mobilegeddon” update?

Any changes Google makes to its search engine are to improve the user experience. In spite of what some SEO gurus claim, Google doesn't deliberately set out to penalize websites without good reason. The “Mobilegeddon” update is designed to ensure that users making searches on mobile devices receive good quality results in a format they can read.

2) Does “Mobilegeddon” affect all searches?

The update specifically targets searches made on mobile devices, so users of laptops and desktop computers won't see anything different. It's important to understand that very high volumes of searches are made on mobile devices nowadays, so don't ignore “Mobilegeddon” and assume it won't affect your website.

3) What should I do to make sure I am not negatively affected by the change?

Making your website mobile-friendly is the simple answer to retaining your ranking. This can be accomplished in 1 of 2 ways. If you already have a website and aren’t looking to update it, you can opt for a mobile only website. This is a separate website that is presented to your users when they visit on mobile devices. However, if you are looking to update your site, you can go with the better option of having your site built responsively. Responsive web design simply means that the website has been designed to change its display based on the type of device that is accessing it. Visitors coming from a traditional desktop or laptop computer will see the regular site, while visitors coming from tablets, smartphones and other handheld devices will see a smaller and cleaner, but still fully functional, version. Either way, let us give you a free consultation. We will look at both options and see which is best for you.

A simple way to check your site is to access it on a smartphone and look at it from the perspective of a new user. Are there any issues with navigation speed? Is the whole site visible or are there issues with width?

4) What help is Google offering with the update?

Google has introduced two new tools for webmasters. The Mobile-Friendly Test tool can be used to run checks on individual or sets of pages. The Mobile Usability Report allows you to analyze your website from a mobile user perspective and offers suggestions for improvements based on the results.

5) How can I prepare for further changes to search engine algorithms?

The announcement of changes to Google shouldn't be any cause for concern. If you play by the rules and offer your visitors a good experience your site should retain its ranking. Keep up to date with changes in technology and the way users access your site and you'll receive the same volume of traffic.

Not sure what to do next? Not positive if your website is mobile friendly? Contact us for a Free Consultation and we will help take the correct steps in getting your mobile search rankings back to where they need to be. We offer fully responsive websites that will help take your business to the next level.

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